The Princess Mother Memorial Park

Photo by Supanut Arunoprayote Report Share
Situated in the Princess Mother’s childhood home of Thonburi, the Princess Mother Memorial Park was built by His Majesty King Bhumibol in 1993 as a tribute to his mother. The King was concerned that the buildings the Princess Mother had known as a child had become run down and the park was a bid to renovate the area. The park contains a museum commemorating the Princess Mother and telling her life story and a reconstruction of her childhood home. Not as accessible as other parks for visitors, if you do find yourself in the area, it is well worth a visit. It is a beautiful, well-kept park, and a perfect tribute to a much loved member of the Royal family.
Details: The park and museum are open daily from 09:00 to 16:00and admission is free.
How to get there: Probably the easiest way to get to the park is by boat, stopping at the pier in front of the Kuen Oo shrine, although you will have to go by Tourist Boat as the Express Boats do not stop here. It is also possible to hire a long tail boat to get to the park. The following buses will get you there:
Tel: +66 2437 7799