Kaeng Hin Phoeng Rafting Season
Kaeng Hin Phoeng Rafting Season on July - October 2011

Date: July - October 2011
Venue: 9th Khao Yai National Park Ranger Unit, Tapanhin sub-district, Na Di district, Prachinburi province
Rafting at Kaeng Hin Phoeng by passing 6 islets: Kaeng Hin Phoeng, Kaeng Wang Nam Lom, Kaeng Wang Bon, Kaeng Luuk Seua, Kaeng Wang Sai, and Kaeng Ngu Hao.
During the whitewater rafting week at Kaeng Hin Phoeng (around the beginning of July) there will be recreational activities, booths selling local exemplary products (OTOP), and various competitions.
For more information:
Kaeng Hin Phoeng Rafting Entrepreneurs Association Tel. +66 3745 1204
Tourism Authority of Thailand, Nakhon Nayok office Tel. +66 3731 2282, +66 3731 2284 www.tourismthailand.org